The Book


FIVE STEPS for raising happier kids

If the kids are out of control - and everything you do seems to make matters worse - it’s time to change the dynamic. In many homes across America, children rather than parents control family life: Mornings are fraught with upset and tears, homework is a nightmare, mealtimes are a headache, and bedtime - forget about it. The “time-out” method parents have relied on for decades rarely works. Now Dr. Beth Grosshans’ five-step program teaches how to become a more effective parent and help children feel safer, be happier, and behave more appropriately


Praise for Beyond Time-Out

How I wish I had had this book on my night table when my children were young. Dr. Grosshans’ wise advice is delivered in a clear, empathetic voice that recognizes the difficulty many parents have in setting loving limits and the rewards inherent in getting it right.
— Ann Pleshette Murphy, Parenting Contributor to ABC-TV's Good Morning America
An invaluable resource I wish I’d found earlier. This book and the ‘ladder’ have change the way I’ve dealt with any challenge or power struggle with my kids and restored some peace in my house. I’m no longer that mom losing her temper... at least not as often!
— Romi Lassally, author of True Mom Confessions: Real Moms Get Real an founder of
If you think there are more parenting books than we need, read this one.
— John M. Lagos, Ph.D., President, New Jersey Psychological Association Foundation
Honest, straightforward, and dripping with common sense... Dr. Grosshans has the guts to tell it like it is and the sensitivity to make it palatable.
— Thomas Linscheid, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University and Director, Dept. of Psychology, Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio
You know a child-rearing book is good when you find yourself preaching its dogma to anyone who will listen!
— Heidi Stevens, Chicago Tribune