For over 20 years, I have helped parents learn strategies for strong, loving, effective parenting. They are now successfully raising self-controlled, respectful, cooperative children.
what i do
As a child psychologist who has worked with over four hundred families in the past twenty years, I have listened to the plaintive cries of parents who are struggling to understand and help their children, and I’ve also heard their deep frustration at having “tried everything,” but to no avail. They have told me countless times about children who can’t control their tempers, who are impossible to reason with, or who are disrespectful and demanding. Parents have told me about their children who are struggling with so much anxiety that even leaving their mothers to go to school or a birthday party becomes an ordeal. Issues pertaining to sleep, eating, and toileting abound; children avoid, refuse, or make demands of their parents, all with extreme intensity. Far too many parents find themselves at a loss when trying to help their children master the basic life skills of self-control, respect, cooperation, sleeping alone, and eating. It is my job to help these parents and their children, to give them answers, to help them understand what has gone wrong, and to provide strategies to correct the troublesome behaviors.
“Dr. Grosshans’ wise advice is delivered in a clear, empathetic voice that recognizes the difficulty many parents have in setting loving limits and the rewards inherent in getting it right.”
Focus areas
Tame tantrums
Calm fears
Instill good sleep habits
End food battles
Overcome toileting troubles
Relieve anxiety